AtCoder Beginner Contest 238

C - digitnum

Time Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MB

Score : $300$ points

Problem Statement

Given an integer $N$, solve the following problem.

Let $f(x)=$ (The number of positive integers at most $x$ with the same number of digits as $x$).
Find $f(1)+f(2)+\dots+f(N)$ modulo $998244353$.


  • $N$ is an integer.
  • $1 \le N < 10^{18}$


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the answer as an integer.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1

  • For a positive integer $x$ between $1$ and $9$, the positive integers at most $x$ with the same number of digits as $x$ are $1,2,\dots,x$.

    • Thus, we have $f(1)=1,f(2)=2,...,f(9)=9$.
  • For a positive integer $x$ between $10$ and $16$, the positive integers at most $x$ with the same number of digits as $x$ are $10,11,\dots,x$.

    • Thus, we have $f(10)=1,f(11)=2,...,f(16)=7$.

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3


Sample Output 3


Be sure to find the sum modulo $998244353$.


这道题很明显是一个逆元题,并没有什么难度,只不过当时完全忘记了除法逆元这回事,于是较大数据全部 WA


由费马小定理可推出:$\frac{1}{a} \% m = a^{m-2} \% m$ ,其中m为素数。

那么,$\frac{b}{a} \% m$ 就可以变成 $b\times a^{m-2} \% m$

如果 $m$ 太大,可以使用快速幂。

因为本题只用 /2 需要逆元,因此直接把 2 的逆元求出来然后代入就行了,不需要每次都求一边。写个程序算出来为 499122177

解决完逆元问题后我仍然没有得出正确答案,折腾了半天发现中途乘法溢出了 long long 范围。比如 long long ans = ((1 + N - pow_10(num_digit - 1) + 1) % MOD * (N - pow_10(num_digit - 1) + 1) % MOD * 499122177) % MOD,三个数都是 1e9 级别的,乘起来肯定溢出了。因此得每乘一次就取一次模。


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define MOD 998244353
#define INV_2 499122177

using namespace std;

long long pow_10(int x)
    long long ans = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
        ans *= 10;
    return ans;

int main(void)
    long long N;
    cin >> N;
    long long t = N;
    int num_digit = 0;
    while (t)
        t /= 10;
    long long x = (N - pow_10(num_digit - 1) + 1) % MOD;
    long long ans = x;
    ans *= x + 1;
    ans %= MOD;
    ans *= INV_2;
    ans %= MOD;
    for (int i = num_digit - 1; i > 0; i--)
        long long y = (pow_10(i) - pow_10(i - 1)) % MOD;
        long long tmp = y;
        tmp *= y + 1;
        tmp %= MOD;
        tmp *= INV_2;
        tmp %= MOD;
        ans += tmp;
        ans %= MOD;
    cout << ans << endl;
    return 0;