Denso Create Programming Contest 2022 Winter(AtCoder Beginner Contest 280)

E - Critical Hit

Time Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MB

Score : $500$ points

Problem Statement

There is a monster with initial stamina $N$.
Takahashi repeatedly attacks the monster while the monster's stamina remains $1$ or greater.

An attack by Takahashi reduces the monster's stamina by $2$ with probability $\frac{P}{100}$ and by $1$ with probability $1-\frac{P}{100}$.

Find the expected value, modulo $998244353$ (see Notes), of the number of attacks before the monster's stamina becomes $0$ or less.


We can prove that the sought expected value is always a finite rational number. Moreover, under the Constraints of this problem, when the value is represented as $\frac{P}{Q}$ by two coprime integers $P$ and $Q$, we can show that there exists a unique integer $R$ such that $R \times Q \equiv P\pmod{998244353}$ and $0 \leq R \lt 998244353$. Print such $R$.


  • $1 \leq N \leq 2\times 10^5$
  • $0 \leq P \leq 100$
  • All values in the input are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $P$


Find the expected value, modulo $998244353$, of the number of Takahashi's attacks.

Sample Input 1

3 10

Sample Output 1


An attack by Takahashi reduces the monster's stamina by $2$ with probability $\frac{10}{100}=\frac{1}{10}$ and by $1$ with probability $\frac{100-10}{100}=\frac{9}{10}$.

  • The monster's initial stamina is $3$.
  • After the first attack, the monster's stamina is $2$ with probability $\frac{9}{10}$ and $1$ with probability $\frac{1}{10}$.
  • After the second attack, the monster's stamina is $1$ with probability $\frac{81}{100}$, $0$ with probability $\frac{18}{100}$, and $-1$ with probability $\frac{1}{100}$. With probability $\frac{18}{100}+\frac{1}{100}=\frac{19}{100}$, the stamina becomes $0$ or less, and Takahashi stops attacking after two attacks.
  • If the stamina remains $1$ after two attacks, the monster's stamina always becomes $0$ or less by the third attack, so he stops attacking after three attacks.

Therefore, the expected value is $2\times \frac{19}{100}+3\times\left(1-\frac{19}{100}\right)=\frac{281}{100}$. Since $229596204 \times 100 \equiv 281\pmod{998244353}$, print $229596204$.

Sample Input 2

5 100

Sample Output 2


Takahashi's attack always reduces the monster's stamina by $2$. After the second attack, the stamina remains $5-2\times 2=1$, so the third one is required.

Sample Input 3

280 59

Sample Output 3




该题为一个非常基础的 DP + 模逆元题,只不过题面的 Notes 小节有点坑人,需要重点关注下(我就因为这被害了)

首先 Notes 中的变量 $P$ 与输入数据的变量 $P$ 是两个东西,不要把这俩当成同一个变量了,否则题目就看不明白了。

其次,要我们输出满足 $R \times Q \equiv P\pmod{998244353}$ 的 $R$ 是个啥东西。这个等式其实不要想复杂了,其实就是 $\frac{P}{Q}$,其中将除法运算改成用模逆元乘法运算即可。



我们约定 $dp_i:=$ 造成伤害 $i$ 需要的步数的期望

易得 $dp_0=0$,$dp_1=1$(每一步至少造成 $1$ 点伤害,因此只需 $1$ 步)


$$ \begin{align} dp_i&=(dp_{i-2}+1)\cdot\frac{P}{100}+(dp_{i-1}+1)\cdot(1-\frac{P}{100})\\ &=dp_{i-2}\cdot\frac{P}{100}+dp_{i-1}\cdot(1-\frac{P}{100})+1 \end{align} $$

具体解释,要达成 $i$ 点伤害,有两种情况:

  • 前面达成了 $i-2$ 点伤害,最后一步达成了 $2$ 点伤害,期望为 $(dp_{i-2}+1)\cdot\frac{P}{100}$
  • 前面达成了 $i-1$ 点伤害,最后一步达成了 $1$ 点伤害,期望为 $(dp_{i-1}+1)\cdot(1-\frac{P}{100})$




$$ dp_i=dp_{i-2}\cdot P\cdot\mathrm{inv}(100)+dp_{i-1}\cdot(1-P\cdot\mathrm{inv}(100))+1 $$

可见只用的找 $100$ 的模逆元,完全可以直接算出来它的值为 $828542813$.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define endl '\n'

using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;
const ll MOD = 998244353;
/* ll fastpow(ll a, ll b)
    a %= MOD;
    ll ans = 1;
    while (b)
        if (b % 2 == 1)
            ans = ans * a % MOD;
        a = a * a % MOD;
        b >>= 1;
    return ans;
inline ll inv(ll x)
    return fastpow(x, MOD - 2);
} */
const ll MAXN = 2e5 + 10;
ll dp[MAXN];

int main()
    ll N, P;
    cin >> N >> P;
    // ll inv100 = inv(100);
    ll inv100 = 828542813;
    dp[1] = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i <= N; i++)
        dp[i] = P * inv100 % MOD * dp[i - 2] % MOD +
                (1 - (P * inv100 % MOD) + MOD) % MOD * dp[i - 1] % MOD + 1;
        dp[i] %= MOD;
    cout << dp[N] << endl;
    return 0;